[featured_image]Today marks the completion of my first month of blogging in 2012. In order to help readers identify those posts that are most noteworthy this month, I am listing the posts that have received the most page views so far. (Of course those written earlier in the month have had more opportunity to be viewed, but that’s not always the case!)

The Best of January (as of Jan 31, 2012)

Most Viewed

1. My 500th Missional Challenge Post! (Jan 9, 2012)

After posting for the past five years – here are 8 Lessons for Bloggers!

2. Disciplemaking Strategies: Training for Trainers (T4T) (Jan 12, 2012)

Lessons from a huge disciplemaking movement in SE Asia!

3. 3 Spheres of Personal Development (Jan 23, 2012)

You can choose to grow or stay the way you are. What will you do?

4. My Top 11 Posts in 2011 (Jan 2, 2012)

I think the title makes it clear what this is about!

5. 5 Lessons for Disciplemakers (Jan 18, 2012)

Here are five of the 100 lessons from my book (Six-Word Lessons to Discover Missional Living) which focus on Disciplemaking!

My Favorites

1. Disciplemaking Strategies: Training for Trainers (T4T) (Jan 12, 2012)

I am totally amazed by all that God is doing to multiply disciples who make disciples who make disciples. I long to see this kind of movement in the US. Read the post and glean insights that will help you get started.

2. Disciplemaking Strategies: Bible Storying (Jan 6, 2012)

Aligning with Jesus’ mission requires us to make disciples who make disciples – what’s your disciplemaking approach. Bible Storying is a great method to consider adopting.

3. Church Planting Lesson from Frog and Toad (Jan 26, 2012)

I have always enjoyed the Frog and Toad stories. This short video on YouTube has some great lessons for church planting teams.

4. The DeVries Coaching Approach (Jan 29, 2012)

What’s your approach to coaching? If you don’t have one – con side adopting some of the key components of my approach. Or if you are looking for a coach, read the list and see if we’d be a good fit to work together.

5. The Multiplication Cycle (Jan 3, 2012)

I developed this cycle as I worked on my doctoral dissertation at Bakke Graduate University in 2007. Now I’m training church planting teams to follow this cycle in order to start disciple-making churches.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Review the posts above and consider what action steps to take to align with the mission of Jesus!

10 More Great January Posts

Discipleship Diagram | missionalchallenge.com
Quote: The Relationship Between Church and Mission | missionalchallenge.com