
What If? |

While in India, I met John Michel. He is an incredible Christian brother with a passion to transform cities in America to truly become “Servant Cities.” He has a vision and a passion to see true transformation take place.

When I was a child, we sponsored a child with World Vision. Recently, my family has begun to support a child in Sri Lanka. This is a great opportunity to minister to the physical, educational and spiritual needs of children who are less fortunate, and often poor, neglected and under-privileged.

Joshua Pillai is the Director of DAWN South India. I met him in the coffee shop in the lobby of the Nakshatra Hotel in Secunderabad, India. When I arrived at the airport that morning, I discovered that my flight had been changed and wouldn’t depart until after midnight.

One of the best parts of my trip to India was connecting with students from around the world. I thought it would be really great if you could meet them – so I created a video where they could all introduce themselves.

Chennai is a dirty, filthy city. It is the worst I’ve ever seen. The garbage collection problem is obvious and widespread.

The cross is a sign of hope! Because Christ died on the cross, we have hope!

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to visit a leper colony in Chennia, India. Here is a video of the ministry…

I’ve had limited online access this week in Hyderabad, but I wanted to just post an update today before I fly back to the states tomorrow. This has been an incredibly eye-opening trip. I have learned so much. It’s been like drinking water from a fire hose. Unbelievable!

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God!'”

Joshy Tewes is an incredible Indian woman. She’s found her Samaria in the slums of Chennai. In response to the leading of the Holy Spirit, she began reaching out to women in the slums just five minutes from her home.