[featured_image]Hey Everyone!

I’ve had limited online access this week in Hyderabad, but I wanted to just post an update today before I fly back to the states tomorrow. This has been an incredibly eye-opening trip. I have learned so much. It’s been like drinking water from a fire hose. Unbelievable!

The students that I’ve been studying with are so great. Calvin is from the UK, Dean is from Canada, Roddy is from Alexandria, Egypt, Bert comes from Amsterdam, Viju, Suresh and Jacob are from Bombay, Samson lives and works here in Hyderabad, and the rest came from the U.S. I hope to blog much and post more videos after I return.

Today we visted an HIV/Aids clinic that helps 1,000 patients each month. Everyone who comes is prayed for and prayed with. Over 80% of the patients have started to follow the Lord. This is an amazing ministry. Pictures and video soon… Please pray for Sujai and Lavanya Suneetha as they lead this ministry!

Thanks for your prayers for me! I am so grateful,