
Each year our family gets together at the beginning of the new year and shares where we want to go, who we want to be, and what we want to do over the next twelve months.

God is calling every believer to align with His mission!

Missional Challenge is focused on helping believers to align their lives with the mission of Jesus!

In most posts over the past year I’ve tried to include a personal challenge toward missional living and some related posts to read – so today shouldn’t be any different.

Today is Groundhog Day! Here are 9 Lessons Church Planters Learn from Punxsutawney Phil (Some worth forgetting…)

For the past several years, our family has sat down together to evaluate our past year and to look ahead to the new year (typically at the end of December)

As 2011 begins, I’ve reflected on some of the highlights of this past year. Hear are 12 months of praise to my God!

My little sister was born on January 1, 1969. Today she would have turned 42! I’m sure the angels are celebrating with her today in heaven.

For today’s post, I’ve joined the 7 Link Challenge posted by Darren Rowse on Here’s Darren’s challenge: Publish a post that is a list of 7 links to posts that you and others have written that respond to 7 categories listed below.