[featured_image]I launched my blog five years ago on June 1, 2006! My first post was on Finishing Well – and included 6 excellent characteristics of those who finished well in Scripture (identified by Dr. Robert Clinton).

Since then, I’ve written nearly 500 posts! Hard to believe that I’ve had that much to say. I haven’t changed the template for my blog much at all during these past five years — mostly I’ve just added more stuff to fill up the side columns and clutter up the page. So – today I’ve worked to simplify. I’ve removed one of the side columns and some of the widgets. My hope is that it will be easier to read and have less clutter. Also, it should load a little faster. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. As I’ve reflected today on this blog, I feel that I am somewhat attached to it – which is a little surprising. It’s been a good project to work on and I hope it’s been an encouragement to those who have taken time to read it. Since starting this blog I’ve been blessed to…

In most posts over the past year I’ve tried to include a personal challenge toward missional living and some related posts to read – so today shouldn’t be any different.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Reflect on the past five years of your life. Ask yourself: How have I engaged in the mission of Jesus?