
When we say we are to live incarnationally, we mean we are to “put on” Jesus and represent him by focusing on being his hands and feet to our world. To live on mission. This includes but is not limited to serving the least. It might be a sending toward your neighbor or to a complete stranger in need. Either way, the focus is essentially on the church becoming missionaries to our culture.

Intimacy with Jesus |

Spiritual intimacy is about abiding in relationship with Jesus!

Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant, Missouri (a suburb of St. Louis) made a decision to adopt the local elementary school nearby. They provide a great example for local church’s to follow.

Christians need to get beyond the walls of the church and meet tangible needs!

Wesley Deuwel has written an incredible book – Touch the World Through Prayer. (amazon affiliate link)

Then Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy. And Eli said to Samuel, “Go lie down, and it shall be if He calls you, that you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD, for Your servant is listening.'” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. (1 Sam 3:8-9)

Dr. Mark DeYmaz shared the following statistics with church planting leaders last year…

To reach those around you with the gospel, you need to exegete the culture. You need to understand their worldview, their view of Christianity, and how to communicate the gospel in a way that is understandable to them.

Every need, whether it is a physical need for food or a spiritual need for food, must be exposed and seen. That’s the responsibility of every spiritual leader. Need is everywhere, yet somehow we have conditioned our eyes not to see it. We see problems. We see things to avoid. We see things that aren’t right; but when we don’t see them as needs, we’re less likely to realize we are the ones who should do something about it.

Our dream is to be missional outposts in the midst of where we live and play as we experience the power of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST together.