
In 1998, Lake Forest Church in Charlotte, NC began meeting in a bowling alley. After that, they met under a disco ball at a rollerskating rink and on a basketball court before moving into a permanent site on Easter Sunday 2006.

“Seek the flourishing of the city

Many church planters and pastors struggle with maintaining a healthy work ethic, especially when they are the only “employee” of the church and their board or supervisor provides minimal supervision.

To bless someone starts with understanding what needs they have in their life. Some needs can be observed. At other times it’s helpful to simply ask: “What needs do you have?”

I love to share what God is doing through His missionary people. Here’s a great story from Venture Church in Bozeman, Montana.

Some things are moving so fast around you that you can miss out if you aren’t paying attention.

I need to trust my clients – and I need to be trusted by my clients.

If it is essential, then you will focus your attention and activities on His mission.

My colleague Bob Rasmussen has developed a ten week course about building bridges of friendship and ministry for Christ called Ministry in a Multi-Cultural World.

My good friend Jeff Getz is offering an amazing opportunity to prayer walk through New York City and capture God’s heart for the nations!