
I really want to help Christians understand this. I want to help them to live on mission with Jesus right where they are. You don’t have to go overseers to be a missionary. You can live as a “sent one” in your neighborhood.

I read an interesting article online that points out that the state of Washington is 45th in church membership and attendance.

Five years ago I posted on the essence of Christianity

Dr. Mark DeYmaz shared the following statistics with church planting leaders last year…

Seize! 10 Ways to Grasp Jesus' Mission |

How do you seize the mission of Jesus?

Five years ago, I was just beginning to get my thoughts focused on the priority of missional living. I was reading and writing about the mission of the Church and how to align every believer with that mission.

Every time I teach or train on Missional Living or Church Planting, I draw three circles on a large poster paper. This is the simplest way for me to explain what aligning with the mission of Jesus looks like.

Instead of attracting people to church, local churches have a responsibility to equip every believer as missionaries in their neighborhoods and workplaces! The problem in many churches is that “consumer Christians” are coming on Sundays to receive the goods and services that the staff offers them.

God is a missionary God and He has sent the Church to participate in His mission of reconciling the world to Himself.