[featured_image]Five years ago, I was just beginning to get my thoughts focused on the priority of missional living. I was reading and writing about the mission of the Church and how to align every believer with that mission.

Missional thinking continues to develop. I hope sharing what I was thinking 5 years ago (February 2007) will encourage you….

It’s All About Jesus

In its simplest form, Christianity is all about Jesus. Christians are followers of Jesus. You become a Christian by placing your faith only in Jesus. The church exists only because of Jesus. Our only hope is in Jesus. Our only life is in Jesus. (read more)

From “Doing Church” to “Being Church”

What difference does it make that hours and hours are invested by paid clergy and volunteers so that church members and visitors can “do church” every Sunday? Is “doing church” once each week really what Jesus had in mind for His followers? When Jesus said, “I will build My church” did He envision the church as a place to go or something to do? Not at all! (read more)

Where is Your Church?

It’s so natural to think of your church as a place. In fact, after all of the time and money that’s invested in buying land and building church buildings, it’s no surprise when you tell someone the location of your church buildings in answer to the question, “where is your church?” (read more)

The Absence of Missional Leaders (PLEASE READ THIS ONE!)

Here’s the reality: Pastors are not trained for mission, neither are they trained to equip others for mission. Therefore, no one should be surprised that the mission isn’t being accomplished in America. (read more)

Missional Isn’t Complicated

Missional describes being a missionary wherever you are – right in your very own zip code, neighborhood and workplace. Instead of filling up your life with church activities, start relating to lost people around you. Look for needs. Serve. Love. Give. Serve some more. Love more. Give more. Be Jesus to them. Help. Listen to their story. Share your story. Tell God’s story. (read more)

Sent by Jesus to be Jesus Everywhere!

Missional is about being Jesus to everyone everywhere! (read more)

A Missional Motto

This is the motto of World Vision’s New Hope Area Development Program in Chennai. I was privileged to visit one of the slums where they are making a significant impact through Self Help Groups that emphasize saving and building financial capacity through micro entrepreneurship programs for women. (read more)

Today’s Missional Challenge

Live out missional behaviors in your own life. Train others to be missionaries everywhere.