Admit It: You Need Help |

We all need help.

Today as I was watching ESPN, I listened to the commentary on Ray Lewis’ career. One of the broadcasters made this statement, “There is no leader like Ray Lewis in the NFL.”

You have to stop leading and let them lead because you learn to lead by leading!

Every training event, conference, activity, workshop, seminar, course, session, module, and class has specific training outcomes. Even if you don’t announce the intended outcomes prior to beginning the training, those outcomes will be evident throughout the training.

I first completed the APEST Assessment about three years ago. If you aren’t familiar with this acronym, it is based on Ephesians 4:11.

Moments come and moments go.

Good Leaders Are Always Learning |

This picture inspired this blog post — note the phrase at the top: “Good divers are always learning.”

I’ve been part of many teams over my lifetime. I’ve been on sports teams, gospel teams, evangelism teams, mission teams, leadership teams, and the list goes on. I’ve also been part of groups that call themselves a team but don’t actually team up to do anything as a team. If you’ve ever been on a team that was a team in name only, you know how frustrating it can be. Teams need to team together!

There are multiple ways up the wall, each with increasing challenge and difficulty. From the top you can see spectacular views of the surrounding city.

I have identified 20 points of contact where I can be communicating through my life and ministry.