In 1990, my wife and I moved to Castaic, California to start a church.

The dictionary classifies Christianity as a religion, but we must remember it’s far more than that.

I’ve been challenged as I’ve been reading the book T4T: A Discipleship ReRevolution.

The purpose of this blog is simple:

Although it’s entitled The Master Plan of Evangelism, it is actually more focused on disciplemaking and leadership development. Robert Coleman first published this book nearly fifty years ago in January 1963.

Sometimes it’s good to come back to the simple truths of Scripture.

This past summer, my daughter Madeline was part of a summer missions team from Crossroads Bible Church that traveled to Spain. The team partnered with CBC missionaries to facilitate a soccer camp.

Our dream is to be missional outposts in the midst of where we live and play as we experience the power of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST together.

Now, over twenty years later as I coach church planters, I love seeing the way that coaching impacts people’s lives.

Several years ago my friend Steve Ogne shared the following chart with me that helped me to understand the different ways of viewing how the church engages in ministry.