Where do you find leaders in a church plant?

Essentially, the church is not a place we go to worship God, it is the people of God pursuing His mission on this planet.

To reach those around you with the gospel, you need to exegete the culture. You need to understand their worldview, their view of Christianity, and how to communicate the gospel in a way that is understandable to them.

Every time I’m asked to autograph my book Six-Word Lessons to Discover Missional Living, I include the reference Matthew 4:19. This verse challenges me every time I read it.

Establishing a Coaching Culture will result in increased effectiveness, more teamwork, higher morale, longer retention of people, and greater impact.

while the church on Sunday is extremely important, what happens on Sunday is not the primary work of the church. The assembly of the church is meant to equip and encourage and enhance the real work of the church, which doesn’t take place within the four walls of a sanctuary. It takes place on the highways and byways and in all the workplaces and meeting places in the world.” – Jerry Cook,

Please pray fervently for Chris and Marla Schmaltz, and their daughter Tadee! She is 9 years old and has been sick for the past six months. The doctors are still trying to figure it all out. She had a spinal tap this week and they are waiting for the results.

Dr. Steve Ogne suggests how to evaluate your church’s effectiveness by taking a look at your Mission Teams and Ministry Teams.

Every need, whether it is a physical need for food or a spiritual need for food, must be exposed and seen. That’s the responsibility of every spiritual leader. Need is everywhere, yet somehow we have conditioned our eyes not to see it. We see problems. We see things to avoid. We see things that aren’t right; but when we don’t see them as needs, we’re less likely to realize we are the ones who should do something about it.