[featured_image]Jesus told His disciples to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples… (Matt 28:19-20). I am a disciple of Jesus today because of Christians who obeyed Jesus’ command. There would be more Christians and more churches if more Christians obeyed Jesus.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. If I were to start Lake Hills Church again, I would focus on making obedient disciplemakers.

Disciplemaking isn’t optional for Christians. It is essential. But somehow, I act like it’s okay to disobey. In fact, most churches tolerate disobedience.

I wonder what God thinks of disobedient pastors, disobedient elders, and disobedient Christians.

The key to multiplying churches is obedient Christians who make disciplemakers.

Think about your church (if you belong to one) – whether there are 40, 400, or 4,000 members. Imagine if everyone was obedient to the Great Commission and started this week to be a disciplemaker. What would happen if every Christian in your church just obeyed this one command of Jesus to make disciples? What would happen if 50% of them actually obeyed the Great Commission and started making disciples?

How would your church be changed? How would your city be changed?

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