[featured_image]Today marks three months of posting every day on Missional Challenge. I have found that sharing my thoughts and insights gives me a great sense of satisfaction. As you read and interact, feel free to leave your comments.

The Best of March(as of March 31, 2012)

Most Viewed

1. When to Start Worship Services (March 20, 2012)

The date for worship services to begin should not be based on the calendar. Rather, as you focus on making disciples who make disciples, wait until you’ve multiplied disciples and disciplemaking groups before gathering to worship.

2. T4T: Teaching Them to Obey Everything (March 18, 2012)

Practical insights on discipleship and church planting from T4T: A Discipleship ReRevolution.

3. Best Book on Disciplemaking (March 16, 2012)

Although it’s entitled The Master Plan of Evangelism, it is actually more focused on disciplemaking and leadership development.

4. PRAY for Tadee Schmaltz (March 23, 2012)

Please pray fervently for Chris and Marla Schmaltz, and their daughter Tadee! She is 9 years old and has been sick for the past six months. The doctors are still trying to figure it all out. She had a spinal tap this week and they are waiting for the results.

5. Changing Ministry Paradigms: 1950 to Present (March 11, 2012)

Several years ago my friend Steve Ogne shared the following chart with me that helped me to understand the different ways of viewing how the church engages in ministry.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Review the posts above and consider what action steps to take to align with the mission of Jesus!

10 More Great March Posts

If You Are Planting a Church You Need a Coach! | missionalchallenge.com
Patrick of Ireland | missionalchallenge.com