
Lessons I Learned Planting Lake Hills Church
(from my final LHCC sermon on June 11, 2006)

  1. God is in control and I’m not and I don’t have to be and I can trust Him. He is completely sovereign. “Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him.” Psalm 115:3
  2. God is not in a hurry and I am. God has perfect timing and I don’t.
  1. I don’t have to figure everything out – I can trust God to show me the way!
  1. Obedience to God is costly. “There is no safer place to be than in the center of God’s will.”
  1. God is working all around us. I don’t have to dream up things that I want to do for God. I just need to join Him in what He is already doing.
  1. Disciplemaking starts with non-disciples!
  1. Everything rises and falls on leadership.
  1. The Law of the Inner Circle: Those closest to me will determine the level of my effectiveness.
  1. Growth = Change! You can’t keep growing in your relationship with God and stay the same.
  1. Too many Christians are educated beyond their level of obedience.
  1. Being precedes doing. Who I am is more important than what I do (for God).
  1. My family is my most important ministry.
  1. God will provide our needs.
  1. I need godly men in my life to help me grow in Christ.
  1. There is no substitute in my life for Time Alone with God (TAWG).
  1. Lost people matter to God – and they ought to matter to you and me.
  1. The measure of my success as a pastor will be seen in my children and my children’s children.
  1. Your ministry is determined by your makeup. Who God has shaped you to be determines what God wants you to do.
  1. God is the owner of everything. I am just the manager. God expects me to be faithful.
  1. It’s not about me.

I’m not that smart, not that holy, not that sincere, not that gifted, not that sensitive to others, but for some reason God has chosen to use me to start Lake Hills Church

This is not my church. It is His Church. He is the head, He is the foundation, He is the architect and builder, He is the cornerstone, He is the One who said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


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