[featured_image]I’m excited about the preview of Dwell Church this Sunday night near the Bowery at the Gene Frankel Theatre located at 24 Bond St.

I met Pete Armstrong a few years ago in Seattle and have watched his journey as he’s moved to New York with the intent of starting a church that is focused on serving the Bowery.

Their mission is to connect the Bowery with the mission of God!

We will impact the Bowery by living out the values of the gospel. Those who are materially wealthy yet spiritually poor will see the beauty and truth of the gospel and will spend their time, talent and treasure sowing seeds of the gospel along the Bowery. Those who are materially poor yet spiritually rich will be deeply impacted by God’s love and see all of their life and circumstances changed by the gospel. Those of us somewhere in the middle will recognize our spiritual poverty without Jesus.

Together, a community of diversity will become one body that reaches out to the Bowery with the good news of Jesus Christ. This will manifest itself in both spiritual ways we cannot see yet and tangible ways we will see. Adults will give their lives to Christ and be baptized.

New Yorkers will find a family in their own neighborhood they never dreamed they could have. Children will have fathers and mothers in the faith who mentor them and teach them to love Jesus. Spiritual skeptics will come to know Christ through the witness of the gospel lived out in word and deed. In short, signs of the Kingdom of God will be seen in New York City. (from Spanish River Church Planting website)

I enjoyed connecting with Pete for dinner on Thursday. It was encouraging to hear of the many relationships that have been forged and the volunteers that are stepping forward to join together!

This Sunday is their first preview worship gathering. Will you join me in praying for them? On Mission: Dwell Church NYC | missionalchallenge.comHere’s Pete’s request:

Please pray for us as Dwell Church has its first public worship service at 5 p.m. EST Sunday. Pray that the many friends we’ve made here would join us and would find their hope in Christ. Pray that all the volunteers, 25 strong, would feel empowered and committed to God’s vision to Dwell. Pray that our core group would bring friends and that people will come to faith.

Pray for me as I continue to refine my message and pray that I will deliver it from my heart and with joy and conviction. Pray for all the little things and all the moving parts that have to come together. Pray for Jason, our worship leader.

Next Sunday, they are joining together to serve the Bowery with two service projects!

It’s great to see a church that chooses to embrace the city and serve genuine needs.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider how you can serve the needs in your community!