[featured_image]Are you engaged in making disciples who make disciples?
Would you be eager to network with others in your region of Canada or the USA to help accelerate disciplemaking movements?
I am thrilled to be partnering with the Global Church Planting Network to help…
Connecting people and resources to accelerate disciplemaking movements throughout North America!
Our vision is simple: Discipling the nations!
We have some big, hairy audacious goals:
- Focus of North American Church shifted to disciples making disciples
- Disciplemaking movements in every city
- 6+ regional networks established
- Training, coaching and research provided regionally
- Ongoing communication systems functioning
Regional Teams:
Right now we are recruiting practitioners who will form the initial six regional teams focused on networking and resourcing (training, prayer, coaching, research, etc) their specific region to accelerate grassroots disciplemaking movements!
Read over these qualities of team members and responsibilities. If you are interested in finding out how to get involved, contact me.
Regional Team Members are…
- Fully and passionately committed to Pioneer CP, SCP or CPM (i.e. to saturate every people group and region with effective disciple-making communities)
- Team-player – committed to developing partnerships with leaders of other organizations, able to empower others and to be friends as well as brothers and sisters in Christ
- People of influence – respected, above reproach, have convening ability and are able to coach/mentor others
- Administrative capacity – able to plan and follow-through, personally and via a team Have endurance and long term commitment
- Financial capacity – able to directly or indirectly raise finances and to assist others in finding project support
- Demonstrated commitment to church planting and disciplemaking
- Includes denominational leaders or those part of existing / emerging networks
Responsibilities include…
- Facilitate networking with churches, cp networks, denominations, and teams focused on disciplemaking
- Provide training and coaching throughout the region
- Meet together quarterly with regional team
- Pray together
- Raise up leaders to multiply regions
- Meet annually with all regional teams
We can make a difference. We can see the focus of the church in North America shift! Imagine what will happen when every believer is aligned with the mission of Jesus!
I see disciplemaking movements in every city, town, village, community, neighborhood and beyond!
Today’s Missional Challenge
Do your part to make disciples who make disciples. Consider networking with others in your region to provide research, training, coaching, prayer and support!