Regardless of what your church worship gatherings may look like, the principles of making disciples who make disciples are the same. Believers must commit themselves to both GATHERING and SCATTERING.
I remember my graduation from 8th grade. It started with a banquet dinner for all the students followed by a graduation ceremony.
My kids grew up watching Veggie Tales. Many times as we gathered as a church planting team, the kids would gather around the tv to watch the latest adventures of Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber.
I have visited six church services in the last two months. Most of them have been church plants.
“Prayer establishes DNA faster and betterthan any other exercise you can do as a team.”How are you praying together?When are you praying together?
I received an email this morning from my good friend Phil Peterson asking about resources for a church planting initiative.
Last week I had the opportunity to worship at Sojourn – a church plant in Oxnard, California that my friends Louis and Faith DeLuca started. It was great to worship together and to be challenged by God’s Word.
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