Regardless of what your church worship gatherings may look like, the principles of making disciples who make disciples are the same. Believers must commit themselves to both GATHERING and SCATTERING.

Sometimes you need to stop and take a time out.

I remember my graduation from 8th grade. It started with a banquet dinner for all the students followed by a graduation ceremony.

My kids grew up watching Veggie Tales. Many times as we gathered as a church planting team, the kids would gather around the tv to watch the latest adventures of Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber.

I have visited six church services in the last two months. Most of them have been church plants.

“Prayer establishes DNA faster and betterthan any other exercise you can do as a team.”How are you praying together?When are you praying together?

Models for Multiplication |

Guest Post by Dr. Steve Ogne

I received an email this morning from my good friend Phil Peterson asking about resources for a church planting initiative.

About fifteen years ago I attended a Bootcamp for Reproducing Churches sponsored by the

Last week I had the opportunity to worship at Sojourn – a church plant in Oxnard, California that my friends Louis and Faith DeLuca started. It was great to worship together and to be challenged by God’s Word.