Here’s a great application of this concept to use with your team as you determine how you will make disciples who make disciples.

Do You Need a New Vision? |

A few years ago when I was pastor of Lake Hills Church, my wife said to me, “You need a new vision for our church.”

Here are some great questions from my friend Steve Ogne to ask before you get started…

Whether you are a church planter, or married to a church planter, or a team member, or a sponsoring/sending church, please share the questions you were asking when you got started.

In 1998, Lake Forest Church in Charlotte, NC began meeting in a bowling alley. After that, they met under a disco ball at a rollerskating rink and on a basketball court before moving into a permanent site on Easter Sunday 2006.

Church planters are too often driven by the calendar rather than milestones.

Today I was part of a conversation where we discussed closing a church.

Asking (and answering) the right questions will help you get started in the right direction. There are a lot of helpful questions to ask before planting a church. It’s important to count the cost before launching into such a challenging and rewarding ministry.

Many church planters and pastors struggle with maintaining a healthy work ethic, especially when they are the only “employee” of the church and their board or supervisor provides minimal supervision.

Jesus Never Planted Churches |

Jesus was a disciplemaker. He never planted churches. That was not His focus. That’s not why He came.