Existing growth trends revealed that most would remain beyond the reach of a local church unless the Body of Christ was mobilized for church planting.

Christians are part of a movement that was started by Jesus Christ! It has impacted the entire world! It’s spreading rapidly throughout the southern hemisphere. Movements exist to bring God glory!

Don’t start a church by launching worship services – start by launching service into your community!

4 Ways to Show Outsiders You Care | missionalchallenge.com

How do you show those outside your circle of Christian friendships that you care about them?

Today is Groundhog Day! Here are 9 Lessons Church Planters Learn from Punxsutawney Phil (Some worth forgetting…)

One of the greatest challenges I faced in church planting was the need to develop leaders around me.

Many church planters won’t ask for help. I think there are a combination of reasons why they don’t. Try these on…

Do you have a passion to reach your city or state with the message of the gospel?

One of my tendencies as a church planter was to assume that because I was the leader, my responsibility was to lead…everything. More than just wanting to be in control of what happened next, I sensed it was my duty and obligation to lead everything that we were doing.

Over the past five years, my growing passion has been to be part of accelerating church planting movements in the United States.