Christian Associates is a church planting organization that is starting churches throughout Europe and beyond. Ten years ago they established a B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of establishing 50 churches by 2010.

My friend Phil Graf explains how Christian Associates is starting churches in the nations of Europe. The pressure to start gathering people and “doing church” has not advanced the kingdom of God. He suggests that church planting missionaries need to Embed + Initiate + Gather + Church – and do it well.

It was an awkward moment. As I heard the words come out of her mouth, I wanted to walk away or just crawl into a hole and hide.

This past weekend – Evident Church in Macomb, Michigan celebrated their second anniversary. I’ve been coaching the church planter, Josh Hossler, for the past year.

In starting Lake Hills in Castaic, California, one of our first steps to exegete and understand those in our town was do conduct a Community Survey. We chose to go door to door throughout the neighborhoods of Hidden Lake, Bravo, Northbluffs and Sagecrest on two consecutive Sundays (September 9 and 16).

Guest Post by Russ Johnson

I love cookies! I love eating them. I love making them. I love the taste of them. I love how they smell when they come right out of the oven. I get excited just thinking about cookies

The best book I read in 2006 was The Externally Focused Church by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson.

Stephen M. R. Covey has written a great book called

A team is critical to accomplishing anything!