This week I’m training pastors near Portland, Oregon. Next week I’ll be training in Southern California, followed by training in Colorado Springs and then in Little Rock. I love training! I feel like I am so alive in a training environment.
We cannot fulfill the Great Commission simply through the expansion of existing churches. Nor can we accomplish our mission merely through the addition of new churches. We must focus on multiplication, planting a variety of dynamic churches that will grow and reproduce. – Dr. Steve Ogne
Why are you in despair, O my soul?And why have you become disturbed within me?Hope in God, for I shall again praise HimFor the help of His presence.
Five years ago, I was just beginning to get my thoughts focused on the priority of missional living. I was reading and writing about the mission of the Church and how to align every believer with that mission.
How does the Small Group Ministry of your church contribute to making disciples who make disciples?
Every time I teach or train on Missional Living or Church Planting, I draw three circles on a large poster paper. This is the simplest way for me to explain what aligning with the mission of Jesus looks like.
Instead of attracting people to church, local churches have a responsibility to equip every believer as missionaries in their neighborhoods and workplaces! The problem in many churches is that “consumer Christians” are coming on Sundays to receive the goods and services that the staff offers them.
This Missional Challenge blog is all about aligning every believer with the mission of Jesus!
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