
God is doing amazing things through His Church to accomplish His redemptive purpose in Madagascar!

Planting churches is hard work! Most church planters know this.

My friend Chris Fukunaga moved to Long Beach, California six and a half years ago to start a simple church called A Village Community.

Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples.”

Today is a day to honor those who have given their lives for the freedom that we enjoy in America.

Building on biblical principles, he helps us to see how God is in the business of inner life formation.

Do you have a passion to reach your city or state with the message of the gospel?

“Don’t start churches to make disciples.

Christian Associates is a church planting organization that is starting churches throughout Europe and beyond. Ten years ago they established a B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of establishing 50 churches by 2010.