In the Book of Acts, the apostles apparently gathered data on their work, for they were able to report on how the messianic movement was growing, both by adding and by multiplying
The focus of the conference is on the shifts and changes that are occurring or need to occur in the church, leadership, ministry and the world around us.
Christianity is not a religion. It is a movement of Christ followers. In order to become a movement that transforms America, there must be an increased emphasis on the cross and incarnating the message of Jesus.
Many Christians know that it’s important to engage those in the culture around them with the message of the cross, but they often don’t know how to start. It seems a little intimidating to hang out with those who aren’t followers of Jesus. It’s much more comfortable to do things together with Christian friends.
This is a simple and succinct tool for telling others the message of Christ. It begins with helping someone to realize the difference between religion and Christianity.
“Missions is not first and ultimate; God is. …All of history is moving toward one great goal, the white hot worship of God and his Son among all the peoples of the earth. Missions is not that goal. It is the means. And fro that reason it is the second greatest human activity in the world.”
I met with my friend Brian Aaby today and he gave me a copy of Youthmark’s newest release Pray 21 by Timothy Eldred.
The gospel is the good news of salvation through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross as the sacrifice for sin. His death canceled “the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (Col 2:14).
I just completed three days of training pastors and church planters with Ken Priddy in Charlotte, NC through The Multiplication Workshop. The training was built around The Multiplication Cycle™and emphasized the importance of starting churches by making disciples.
Some things are moving so fast around you that you can miss out if you aren’t paying attention.
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