Join us from March 3rd through 9thas we celebrateRead an E-Book Week!

It’s my aim to blog for another 404 days in a row – although I’m prepared to schedule some of my posts in advance. It’s time to stop posting in the dark after midnight. It’s time to start falling asleep when we turn out the lights.

Most Viewed Posts: February 2013 |

February posts on focused on church planting, harvesting, Bible storying, meeting needs, engaging the culture, and prayer.

One of the things that I love about this half-day of prayer together is that praises and prayer requests are gathered from all of our OC teams worldwide.

How to Identify Needs Around You |

A couple of Mormon missionaries knocked on my door tonight. They were eager to engage in spiritual discussion about Jesus Christ. I chose not to enter into a debate with them about the person and work of Christ or the origins of the Mormon church.

Many years ago I was challenged by this quote:

Admit It: You Need Help |

We all need help.

So God Made a Farmer |

Whether in the physical world of farming, or in the spiritual dimension of harvesting — it is the Lord of the Harvest who causes the growth.

My friend and colleague, Bob Rasmussen, posted a link to this Man of Peace video on the One Challenge USA webpage on Facebook.

January posts on focused on prayer, disciplemaking, coaching, changing your church, missional living, obedience and leadership.