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My friend Dan Riemenschneider shared with me the following checklist on Living Out Our Faith:

My friend and colleague Dan Riemenschneider works with churches across the country to help them focus on making disciples who make disciples. His passion is strengthening local churches. Together, we’ve developed a training process that helps churches to re-engage with the mission of Jesus.

T4T is an all-inclusive process of training believers over the course of 12-18 months to witness to the lost and train new believers to form reproducing discipleship communities generation by generation.

The Bible Storying method is an excellent disciplemaking strategy. It’s based on the reality that “even if people like learning through reading, reading by itself is not the best way to move information from the head to the heart.” (Real Life Discipleship, p 156)

Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) are a great tool that God is using in the disciple-making process. An LTG is made up of two or three people, all of the same gender, who meet weekly for personal accountability for their spiritual growth and development.

Sharing Scripture with 5 Questions

S.O.A.P. Journaling |

How do you feed your soul? How will you become spiritually strong?

Journaling is an excellent way to both record and process what God has spoken to you. It’s also a useful tool to reflect on and review some of the ‘learnings’ that you have received. Without writing them down, you may forget those blessings and some very important lessons!