
While I’ve always been as old as the Ford Mustang (both were born in 1965), it seems significant that we have both been around for 5 decades. Personally, I cannot say that I feel “50”, however, since I’ve never felt this “age” before, I’m not sure I know what it actually feels like.

As I have reflected on this milestone, I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about my dad. When he died, I was 17 years old. By now, I’ve lived more of my life without my dad physically present in my life than I lived having him around.

Coaching is a Relationship with a Purpose |

Here is a simple way to describe coaching to someone:
Coaching is a relationship with a purpose.
Tom Nebel and Gary Rohrmayer describe the coaching relationship like this…

I Love-Hate the Gym |

At that point I started running and radically changed my diet. I dropped nearly 50 pounds and my wife told me I needed to stop losing weight and start gaining muscle. This idea was met with fear. My distant memories of the weight room in high school were filled with feeling small and being intimidated by others. Inside I felt like such a weakling.

Don't Give Up (Seattle Seahawks - World Champions) |

I loved watching the Seattle Seahawks win the Super Bowl. I loved watching the parade through the streets of Seattle a few days later.

Celebrating Ali and Erik |

Today my niece Ali Austin married Erik Schlagel in Farmington, New Mexico. It was a great privilege for me to be here with my daughter to celebrate! Ali is the first of all my nieces or nephews to get married.

Go. Be. Do. (2014) | missional

Where do you intend to GO this year? Who do you intend to BE this year?What do you intend to DO this year? As each year begins, our family gathers to reflect on the previous year and to write down our Go+BE+DOs for the coming year.

Reducing Body Fat (Part 1) |

Yesterday I entered the Golds Gym Challenge at our local Golds in Issaquah. It’s an opportunity to “transform your body in just 12 weeks.”
The first step was to take “before” photos and weigh in and be measured. The most interesting measurement to me was my percentage of body fat.

It’s my aim to blog for another 404 days in a row – although I’m prepared to schedule some of my posts in advance. It’s time to stop posting in the dark after midnight. It’s time to start falling asleep when we turn out the lights.

January posts on focused on prayer, disciplemaking, coaching, changing your church, missional living, obedience and leadership.

Are you prone to complain or do something?