A couple of years ago my One Challenge USA team took a retreat together for a few days. Our colleague from Outreach Canada, Alan Simpson, facilitated our time together. I was so grateful for the time that Alan invested in preparing for the retreat.

One of the tools that he used was asking a series of questions he asked in advance of each of us to help him understand our needs.

Here are some of the questions that he asked us:

  1. As you prepare for the retreat what three key things in your opinion would make that time together a success?
  2. If you where to describe your personal spiritual health condition using a metaphor or analogy what would that be?
  3. If you where to describe the current health condition of the team using a metaphor or analogy what would that be?
  4. From your perspective, what signs and symptoms indicate challenges that need addressing on the OC Team?
  5. What are the three most urgent and important issues facing the OC Team at this time in your history?
  6. What else do you want the facilitator to know as we prepare for our time together?

If you are planning a team retreat, how could using questions like these help your team prepare?

What else could you do to prepare?
[Share ideas in comments below]

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider how to maximize any team gathering or retreat by taking time to prepare in advance.

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