I am thrilled toDisciplemaking in East Africa | missionalchallenge.com share what God’s been doing in East Africa through World Partners. I long to see God move in similar ways here in North America!

World Partners staff and men from eight African countries gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss the vision and strategies for making disciples and planting churches in East Africa. The meeting helped the men define their priorities and clarify their plans as they develop disciple making ministries.

The nineteen men offered an insight into Scripture from African culture. The words spoken by a person just before his or her death are considered very important. The African Church is compelled to honor the words of Christ known as the Great Commission, spoken just before His ascension. It was with this commitment the group closed their meeting.

Dave Mann, Director of World Partners, reports,
It has been our privilege to see Kenya through different eyes than tourists or big game hunters. Over the last four years a discipleship movement has gotten under way there with hundreds of thousands of new believers and thousands of churches. Starting with one committed pastor named Charles and the discipleship training he experienced under World Partners in Keystone, South Dakota, a disciplemaking movement has been launched that is truly a work of God.
…I am amazed at this commitment to the task and their determination to recruit other leaders to assist in the implementing of the visio

…Pray for the work of these men from Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kea


Today’s Missional Challenge

Pray for the disciplemaking movement in Africa! Pray that God will move among His people in North America to accelerate a disciplemaking movement here!