T4T is an all-inclusive process of training believers over the course of 12-18 months to witness to the lost and train new believers to form reproducing discipleship communities generation by generation.
I always wanted to be a missionary (since I was a teenager) but I never wanted to raise support!
My passion is to accelerate exponential disciplemaking movements that transform America and beyond!
Share your passion in the comments below…
How is your life aligned with the mission of Jesus? How are you engaging those in the culture around you with the message of the gospel? This is the challenge facing every believer
Each year our family gets together at the beginning of the new year and shares where we want to go, who we want to be, and what we want to do over the next twelve months.
The Bible Storying method is an excellent disciplemaking strategy. It’s based on the reality that “even if people like learning through reading, reading by itself is not the best way to move information from the head to the heart.” (Real Life Discipleship, p 156)
My friend Chris Fukunaga moved to Long Beach, California six and a half years ago to start a simple church called A Village Community.
Traditional training for church planters often focuses on preparing to launch worship services to hopefully make disciples. But what if church planters and their teams focused on making disciples who make disciples first – even before starting worship services?
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