On Monday, January 23, I begin a week of teaching at Adelphia Bible School. I have really been looking forward to this opportunity to teach on the mission of the church!

Martin Robinson and Dwight Smith’s book Invading Secular Space challenges the Church to live out the mission of Jesus!

Today I completed five days training coaches in Bellevue, Washington as part of CRM’s CORE Coaching Skills Certificate Program. It was a great week!

How are you and those in your church involved in making disciples who make disciples!?

I feel compelled to keep on emphasizing this truth: “We don’t start churches to make disciples.

Instead of calling tech support recently to address issues with my new wireless router, I decided to try interacting with chat support first. It was a difficult experience.

Embrace a Leadership Development Process | missionalchallenge.com

J. Oswald Sanders describes the process of qualifying as spiritual leaders:

Your attitudes and actions flow from your assumptions!

SOAP Journaling is a great way to study the Bible and seek to apply it to your life. Whether you are using the SOAP method in your daily time alone with God or in a group, it’s important to not only read the text and observe what it means. It is also critical that you discover how to apply the truth to your life.

God is a missionary God and He has sent the Church to participate in His mission of reconciling the world to Himself.