[featured_image]Today I completed five days training coaches in Bellevue, Washington as part of CRM’s CORE Coaching Skills Certificate Program. It was a great week!

One of my co-trainers, Kevin Stebbings, introduced me to a simple approach for coaching clients to generate self-feedback using the acronym W-I-N.

  1. What did you do W-ell?
  2. What could you I-mprove?
  3. What will you do N-ext time?

Three simple words:
Well – Improve – Next
Many times when coaching church planters I realize that I’m not able to offer feedback because I have not directly observed them with their teams. However, I can help the to generate self-feedback. These three questions are a powerful tool for coaches. They allow you to increase the learning of your clients even when you are not present to observe their behaviors directly. I’d encourage you to try it at the beginning of a coaching conversations. Even if you aren’t in the role of a coach – these W-I-N questions can be useful as you lead your team, work with individuals on your staff, or even seek to self-evaluate your own performance. As you have heard – “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Today’s Missional Challenge

Take some time to ask yourself these W-I-N questions as you reflect on this past week.