I didn’t think an egg could ever be so helpful to me spiritually.

I’ve been coaching leaders for years. I got started as a coach after experiencing the impact that coaching had in my life. Steve Ogne coached me as I planted a church in Southern California back in 1990. Now I love coaching church planters and helping them to navigate the challenges of getting started.

Being precedes doing.

I love coaching! But you probably already know that. If you didn’t know that, read why I love coaching.

Take a look at the results of the ICF 2012 Global Coaching Study!

I love coaching!

What books would help Christian coaches?

This is International Coaching Week!

What behaviors make a leader effective or ineffective in empowering others?

On the second day of our Prayer Retreat, we continued our prayerful reflections on Luke 10, concluding with 10:38-42: Mary and Martha’s encounter with Jesus.