[featured_image]I love coaching!

In the past five years I’ve coached over 800 hours. I’ve worked with over 50 clients.

I’ve coached face to face in coffee shops, churches, and offices. I’ve coached over Skype, FaceTime, and phone. I’ve coached men and women, leaders and followers, young and old. I’ve coached at 5:30am at the start of my day. I’ve started a call at midnight with a group of leaders in Europe. I’ve coached leaders while in Turkey, India, France, Spain, and Brazil. I’ve coached leaders while in New York, New Jersey, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Colorado, Arizona, California, and Washington. I’ve coached leaders via Skype/Phone who were in Bulgaria, Malaysia, and South Africa. (Please don’t perceive this as boasting – I just want to communicate how much I love coaching.)

I love training coaches. I want others to experience the thrill I have when I coach. In 2011 I trained nearly 200 people to incorporate coaching skills in their various roles. I absolutely love seeing the impact that coaching has on others. I love coming alongside leaders to help them navigate the challenges of life and ministry.

15 Aspects I Love About Coaching

1. Discovery – asking questions that lead to new insights and awareness.

2. Progress – seeing clients attain more than they imagined.

3. Alignment – the reality that I am using my skills and abilities effectively.

4. Transformation – amazing changes in my clients in both being and doing.

5. Freedom – coaching conversations happen when I’m available.

6. Trust – my clients know that I believe in them.

7. Reflection – giving space for self-generated thoughts and ideas.

8. Presence – being “with” my clients in process.

9. Results – the achievement of pre-determined outcomes.

10. Flexibility – simply “dancing in the moment” throughout the conversation.

11. Encouragement – finding ways to focus on the positive and giving hope.

12. Collaboration – working together to co-create a way forward.

13. Challenge – causing my clients to stretch to go further than ever before.

14. Focus – aiding in the ability to tune out the unimportant and see what really matters.

15. Reinforcement – acknowledging forward movement and learning. I wanted to share what I love about coaching since it’s International Coaching Week. I also love teaching, training, leading, mentoring, consulting, and sharing my opinions. But that’s not what I’m doing when I coach – when I coach I focus on serving the needs of my client and helping them reach their goals and objectives. I try to partner with what God is doing in their lives. And this gives me joy!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Discover what you love to do and identify why you love to do it.