[featured_image]On the second day of our Prayer Retreat, we continued our prayerful reflections on Luke 10, concluding with 10:38-42: Mary and Martha’s encounter with Jesus.

We spent time with each passage following this pattern: 1. Read it – listening to the words.2. Read it – focusing on the scene (the sounds, smells, environment, people, etc.)3. Read it – picturing who you are in the scene.4. Read it – asking what the Lord is saying to you through the passage.

As I’ve reflected on this passage in the past, there are times I’ve felt I identified more with the busyness of Martha. Today I identified more with the learning posture of Mary (maybe because I was on a prayer retreat and spending time alone with Jesus).As I reflected on this passage, I formed a series of questions that stemmed from Martha’s frustration and Mary’s focus.

1. Read through the passage:

Luke 10:38-42 (Kingdom New Testament)

On their journey, Jesus came into a village. There was a woman there named Martha, who welcomed him. She has a sister named Mary, who sat at the master’s feet and listened to his teaching.

Martha was frantic with all the work in the kitchen.

“Master,” she said, coming in to where they were, “don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself? Tell her to give me a hand!”

“Martha, Martha,” he replied, “you are fretting and fussing about so many things. Only one thing matters. Mary has chosen the best part, and it’s not going to be taken away from her.”

2. Consider who in the text you most identify with today and then consider the following questions:

Identifying with Martha

  • In what ways are you frantic with all your work?
  • How might the Lord perceive that you are fretting and fussing about so many things?
  • How have your choices contributed to your state of frustration?
  • In ways do you perceive God cares for you and your work?
  • What keeps you busy rather than being drawn to sit and listen to Jesus?

Identifying with Mary

  • In what ways have you sensed pressure from others to be busy with more work?
  • What are you saying “No” to in order to say “Yes” to be with Jesus?
  • What does sitting and listening to Jesus do for you?
  • What is it that really matters to you?
  • How will you choose to be present with Jesus this week?

3. Discuss your reflections with someone else.

4. Determine what the Lord is saying to you through this passage.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider whether you are identifying with Martha or Mary in this passage. Ask God what He wants you to do in response.