I am thrilled to share what God’s been doing in East Africa through World Partners. I long to see God move in similar ways here in North America!

Dr. Mark DeYmaz shared the following statistics with church planting leaders last year…

House United is a church plant in north San Diego County with a passion to give young people the opportunity to respond to the great love of Jesus Christ…joining His life changing mission of love. They also have a passion to minister to families, especially those who aren’t being reached through traditional church models.

Today marks three months of posting every day on Missional Challenge. I have found that sharing my thoughts and insights gives me a great sense of satisfaction. As you read and interact, feel free to leave your comments.

Where do you find leaders in a church plant?

Essentially, the church is not a place we go to worship God, it is the people of God pursuing His mission on this planet.

To reach those around you with the gospel, you need to exegete the culture. You need to understand their worldview, their view of Christianity, and how to communicate the gospel in a way that is understandable to them.

Every time I’m asked to autograph my book Six-Word Lessons to Discover Missional Living, I include the reference Matthew 4:19. This verse challenges me every time I read it.

Establishing a Coaching Culture will result in increased effectiveness, more teamwork, higher morale, longer retention of people, and greater impact.