Here is the reality: People are going to hell. That is their eternal destiny without Jesus. We have the answer. We have the only hope. We should be compelled to tell them the Good News about Jesus.

Christianity is a rescue religion. It declares that God has taken the initiative in Jesus Christ to deliver us from our sins. This is the main theme of the Bible.

John Piper does an excellent job answering this question in a sermon from May 26, 1996:

Missional initiatives are all about incarnating the message of the cross together in community to those in the culture around us. That’s the “Missional Challenge” – to exegete the culture in order to communicate the gospel effectively.

Over the past seven years, the Missionary Church Western District has been intentional about starting new churches. The MCWD includes six states: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado.

The MCWD Church Multiplication Team has as its mission to facilitate a church multiplication movement in each region of the Western District through

Growing up, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green so we wouldn’t get pinched by our friends at school. Nobody ever explained to me who he was and what he did. So, this morning as we ate a “green” breakfast, I told my kids about St. Patrick. Here are three things you should know about him…

What makes a team effective in ministry? I asked that question this morning to our missions class at church. Here a few important keys:

Missional Strategy #1: |

Count Ludwig Nikolaus von Zinzendorf is a preeminent example of the convergence between prayer and missiology. He allowed some refugees from Moravia to establish a village on his land in southeast Germany.

Christianity is about Jesus! And it is about “being Jesus” to everyone everywhere!