OC International | missionalchallenge.com

I am a missionary with OC International–a global ministry of international missionary teams. There are more than 400 OC missionaries seeking to come alongside the national church to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission.

My friend Chris Fukunaga planted a village community in Long Beach, California. He was one of the presenters at our first Missional Leaders Summit in March 2006.

What did Jesus do? Since incarnating the gospel is about being Jesus, believers have to be good followers of Jesus. They have to learn from Jesus. They have to imitate Him.

It’s easy to get sucked into the world of blogs. There is so much to read out there–and then you’ve got people like me posting something every day.

Did you know that thousands of the world’s refugees are tucked into the suburbs of Los Angeles?

It’s been a good year. It’s also been a challenging year.

I was driving up Interstate 5 to northern California one day and I passed a Panera Bread truck. I love good bread – and Panera is good bread. In fact, I’ve never had anything there that wasn’t good.

A few months ago, I grabbed lunch at BJ’s with my friends Alan and Deb Hirsch and Steve Ogne. We had a great time sharing what God’s been doing in our lives and through ministry opportunities that He provides.

The Harbor is an amazing church in Ventura, California. It was started several years ago by my friend Milt Davis and recently, Sam Gallucci became their pastor. It’s not a big church–but they are having a big impact on people that many churches don’t want to embrace.

Engaging the culture around you with the gospel can be a struggle. Deciding that you are a “missionary” right where you live doesn’t automatically result in effective engagement with those around you.