[featured_image]I love training church planters! I love coaching church planters.

And I love training coaches for church planters!

Last summer, I spent a few days away with my colleagues Keith Webb and Kevin Stebbings focused on how to advance CRM’s Core Coaching Skills Certificate Program to meet (and exceed) the International Coach Federation’s requirements for an ACSTH program. We had so much fun working together and it was very satisfying when the ICF approved CORE for 61 training hours as an ACSTH program from September 3, 2011.

One of the discussions we had together was around the topic of what makes a great training experience. I took a little time to capture some of my ideas on a whiteboard in four areas: Facilitation, Relationship, Logistics, and Outcomes.

Then I compiled the following list to evaluate how I deliver coach training.

Ten Trainer CompetenciesTen Trainer Competencies | missionalchallenge.com:

1. Presents with energy and precision with concise explanations.
2. Provides clear instructions.
3. Holds to the schedule, wisely minds the time and keeps an active pace.

4. Establishes trust and communicates respect.
5. Manages participant interactions.
6. Provides timely, value-added feedback.

7. Handles details for physical needs (room, food, etc.)

8. Attends to preparation and logistics for all training exercises.

9. Accomplishes learning outcomes.
10. Models coaching style and values adult learning, experience and interactivity.

This list can be adapted to multiple training contexts.

Training is a huge part of how we as Christians will fulfill the Great Commission. We need to actively engage in training disciplemaking trainers.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider the above list. Write your own list of key competencies to be an excellent disciplemaking trainer!