
I chose the stone and placed it in my pocket. I began to explore it with my fingers, feeling its shape, its smoothness, and places where it was still rough. Mine was obviously both.

Why are you in despair, O my soul?And why have you become disturbed within me?Hope in God, for I shall again praise HimFor the help of His presence.

I love training and coaching church planters!

I didn’t think an egg could ever be so helpful to me spiritually.

On the second day of our Prayer Retreat, we continued our prayerful reflections on Luke 10, concluding with 10:38-42: Mary and Martha’s encounter with Jesus.

I am on a 30-hour Prayer Retreat with my OC colleagues in Seattle. Today has been a truly wonderful day with the Lord including an afternoon of silence and solitude. What a blessing!

Today is a day to honor those who have given their lives for the freedom that we enjoy in America.

Strong marriages contributeto strong churches!

Welcome to Day 3 as you

Recently I spent a morning alone with God in prayer at St Martin’s University Abbey in Lacey, Washington. I