
In most posts over the past year I’ve tried to include a personal challenge toward missional living and some related posts to read – so today shouldn’t be any different.

There are many things that church planters need to pay attention to while starting a church. Often the focus is on the number of people that show up on Sunday, the number of bills in the offering plate, and the number of cars in the parking lot.

Bob Logan became a mentor to me as I planted a church in Southern California in 1990. I’ll never forget the conversation we had just a month before our public grand opening.

For today’s post, I’ve joined the 7 Link Challenge posted by Darren Rowse on Here’s Darren’s challenge: Publish a post that is a list of 7 links to posts that you and others have written that respond to 7 categories listed below.

When I was at the Exponential Conference this week, I went to a seminar with bloggers. Generally speaking, I didn’t walk away with a whole lot to think about; however, they did have some good thoughts for those who may want to start blogging. So – if that’s you, here are some things you may want to consider.

Last year, I contributed some posts to the Mere Mission blog. Todd Hiestand, pastor at The Well in suburban Philadelphia, has developed this site and has made some changes recently. Here’s his description of what his blog is now about. I encourage you to check it out…

It’s easy to get sucked into the world of blogs. There is so much to read out there–and then you’ve got people like me posting something every day.