[featured_image]Here’s my SOAP Journal from September 2, 2010 — (learn more about SOAP Journaling here)

S = Scripture

Nehemiah 12:43 – “And on that day they offered a great sacrifice and rejoiced because God had given them great joy, even the women and children rejoiced so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar.”

O = Observation

All the people gathered together to dedicate the wall that had been completed. They came from all over Israel and Nehemiah appointed two great choirs on top of the walls to sing and give praise to God. The priests then purified the people and the place.

And they sang! And they were filled with great joy and the JOY was heard far way from Jerusalem.

A = Application

I long to be filled with JOY. And to be free from all those things that pull me down. I know (and rejoice) that God is in control and I don’t have to be.

I will rejoice in my God and give Him praise.

P = Prayer

O Lord, I give you thanks for everything in my life. I choose to obey you and follow you. I trust in you. I rejoice in you! Amen.