[featured_image]House United is a church plant in north San Diego County with a passion to give young people the opportunity to respond to the great love of Jesus Christ…joining His life changing mission of love. They also have a passion to minister to families, especially those who aren’t being reached through traditional church models.

“In the same way that you gave me a missionin the world, I give them a mission in the world.” -JesusOn Mission: House United | missionalchallenge.com


..a community bent on extending God’s Kingdom by building relationships that point to Jesus.

–Impacting our culture outside the church walls.

— Going into the world and Serving those in need.

— Invading secular space by gathering at beaches, coffee houses, parks, homes etc.

We Value… growing, worshipping and serving in community and making disciples who are…

1. Self-Feeders
(Personally engaging with God and His word)

  • Developing habits that bring us to maturity in Christ
  • Practicing accountability in the area of personal growth

2. Easy-Bleeders
(Sacrificing self for others)

  • Involving ourselves in social justice endeavors
  • Participating in missional opportunities…serving the poor and needy

3. Passionate-Breeders
(Multiplying God’s kingdom)

  • Going into the world, engaging our culture to build relationships that point to Christ
  • Making disciples who make disciples

We see for the future…

listening to God as he directs us growing closer as a missional community listening to God as he directs us solidifying the leaders of each area of ministry listening to God as he directs us making disciples who disciple listening to God as he directs us gathering lost souls into our community listening to God as he directs us

Today’s Missional Challenge

Make disciples who make disciples — who are self-feeders, easy-bleeders, and passionate-breeders!