Missional Challenge is a team of missionaries focused on advancing missional movements globally.

We provide training, coaching, creative resources, and strategic thinking to see movements of disciples making disciples who make disciples!

Our Missional Challenge team launched in February of 2013 – and we added our first teammates to the team in April. Together we’ve been able to multiply our efforts and impact across the US and Eastern Europe.

This past year we’ve trained church planters to actually make disciples before starting worship services. Our team has coached leaders in California, Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Texas, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, and a few other places we can’t mention.

We’ve led workshops on Coaching Skills, Multiplying Disciples, Cultivating Missional Movements, and Engaging Culture.

We’ve partnered with numerous denominations and agencies including the SBC, CRC, RCA, Missionary Church, Converge, Seattle Church Planting, Christian Evangelistic Association, NAB, Pioneers, OC, and CRM.

We’ve also created several new resources including:
• The Missional Journey book (link to amazon)

• The Cultivating Missional Movements Implementation Guide (order here)

• Becoming Barnabas Training – called alongside to help (contact us to learn more)

Our DMM Cafe is an interactive learning experience designed to help practitioners discover how to engage in disciplemaking principles right where they live, work and play. The pilot projects in Eastern Europe have been very effective and we are hopeful to expand these into other countries.

As we look to our second year ahead we envision more opportunities to train and coach disciplemaking leaders to advance movements of disciplemakers. We will continue to create practical resources and workshops to multiply movements all over the place. We are eager to do our part to see every believer engaged in living the mission of Jesus!

To do this – we need your prayers for God’s provision of grace, strength and finances.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Pray for Disciplemaking Movements – “that the Gospel would spread rapidly and be obeyed by people who do not yet know and love Jesus” (see 2 Thess 3:1).

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