For my doctoral dissertation on Missional Transformation, I provided a glossary of key terms. I hope that posting it here will be helpful to those who are joining in the missional conversation. Please give feedback on terms and ideas – those with which you agree or disagree.
Wow! On Saturday evening, I graduated from Bakke Graduate University of Ministry in Seattle, Washington with my Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Church Multiplication.
Wow! I can’t believe I finished my dissertation late last night! It feels incredible to be done.
While in India, I met John Michel. He is an incredible Christian brother with a passion to transform cities in America to truly become “Servant Cities.” He has a vision and a passion to see true transformation take place.
Neither failure nor hostility can weaken the messenger’s conviction that he has been sent by Jesus. That his word may be their strength, their stay and their comfort, Jesus repeats it.
My friend, Steve Bagdanov, posted this video on his blog and I thought it was worth posting again.
I have always loved this concept from Wolfgang Simson’s Houses that Change the World (p. 294).
Recently, our OC U.S. team had a lengthy dialogue on significant trends in the U.S. using the STEEPER trends framework. I was unfamiliar with this approach, but I found it very helpful.
When I was a child, we sponsored a child with World Vision. Recently, my family has begun to support a child in Sri Lanka. This is a great opportunity to minister to the physical, educational and spiritual needs of children who are less fortunate, and often poor, neglected and under-privileged.
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