At a recent meeting with pastors in Fort Collins, Colorado, I had the opportunity to lead a conversation that focused on living missionally. One of the pastors, Ben Yarbro, made this insightful statement:

The key question that every believer needs to ask is: “Do I want to be part of a movement of God’s people or do I just want to help grow a larger church?” While movements will result in the multiplication of churches, movements are not only about multiplying churches.

Obedience-Oriented Disciplemaking and Church Planting |

George Patterson worked in northern Honduras with the Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society. He developed a theological education by extension program that focused on “obedience-oriented eduction.”

OC International |

I am a missionary with OC International–a global ministry of international missionary teams. There are more than 400 OC missionaries seeking to come alongside the national church to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Making Disciple-Makers! |

Jesus was a disciple maker. That’s what he did! As he traveled around the villages of Galilee, he healed the sick, he performed miracles, he taught the crowds – but his primary ministry was with a small group of men that became his disciples. Jesus was a disciple maker. He poured Himself into the lives of his disciple

“Nine Baywatch rescue boats, employed by the world’s largest and most highly trained lifeguard service, ply 72 miles of California coast out to Catalina Island, rescuing swimmers, divers, fishermen, downed pilots and foundering vessels. When needed, they search for drowning victims.”