
Twenty years ago my wife and I partnered together with a few friends to start a new church in Castaic, CA. We were convinced that starting new churches is vital to extending God’s kingdom.

Here are 8 Reasons we were committed to starting Lake Hills Community Church (from our October 1990 newsletter):

1. The Great Commission. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all people (Matthew 28:19-20). Starting new churches has proven to be the most effective way to accomplish this task.

2. The Biblical Model. In the New Testament, the early church expanded through the planting of new churches. This is the way that God works in the extension of His kingdom.

3. A Concern For People. Jesus said, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Lake Hills exists to help people discover the abundant life that Jesus promised.

4. The Castaic Area is Underchurched. Currently, there are only two churches ministering to the needs of over 8,000 community residents. New churches area needed to join the work of the harvest.

5. Projected Growth. Nearly 10,000 homes are expected to be built in the Castaic Area in the next ten years. With new people moving into the community comes the need for new churches to address their spiritual needs.

6. New Churches Reach a New Generation. Each generation of Christians is responsible for reaching their generation for Christ. Our challenge is to present the good news of Jesus Christ, which does not change, to a new group of people with changing interests, hurts, needs and aspirations.

7. New Churches Offer Greater Options. Not all churches are the same; they come in different shapes and sizes. No one church can reach everyone. New churches offer people more to choose from, and give them a greater chance of finding teh church home they’ll be happy in.

8. New Churches Promote Growth. To survive, new churches must focus on reaching the community with the love of Christ. As they find their “niche”, the result is growth.

I closed the article with this statement:
“I am grateful to God for calling us to Castaic to start a new church. I believe that as we are faithful to Him, we will see lives changed through the power of His Spirit.”

Now, twenty years later, I celebrate with a grateful heart the lives that have been changed through the power of His spirit. I am so grateful for God for calling us to Castaic to start a new church.

I love being involved in the process of helping new churches get started. It is so amazing to help train and coach church planters!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider these 8 reasons and be praying for new churches to be started in your community which will focus on making disciples who make disciples!