[featured_image] My good friend and colleague Kirk Anderson has a great blog focused on urban Disciple Making Movements. You can learn more about Kirk here. He is committed to inspiring disciple makers to think and act strategically to reach their cities.

This month as this blog focuses on advancing disciple making movements, take some time to read through the Scriptures listed below. Consider how these principles relate to your disciple making practice.

Here are the five core disciple making principles that Kirk’s strategy and practice is built on:
1. God calls us to a lifestyle of obedience and witness (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
2. The aim of discipleship is obedience to Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20).
3. The Father draws, Jesus saves, the Holy Spirit teaches (John 6:41-45, 16:7-15).
4. Discipleship begins with existing groups of lost people (Luke 10:1-12).
5. We are sent as Jesus was sent (John 20:19-23).

These principles lay a great foundation for any believer to build their disciple making strategy and practice on.

What’s your strategy and practice?

Today’s Missional Challenge

Articulate the biblical principles for your disciple making strategy and practice.