Happy, healthy Tadee
Please pray fervently for Chris and Marla Schmaltz, and their daughter Tadee! She is 9 years old and has been sick for the past six months. The doctors are still trying to figure it all out. She had a spinal tap this week and they are waiting for the results.
You can get updated information on facebook – Love for Tadee, or online – Cure Tadee.
Chris is a church planter in Southern California with the Missionary Church Western District. I had the privilege to coach Chris as he was starting out. He and Marla have three girls.
Beginning in July 2011, after swimming in some dirty water in Utah and having some strange bug bites and rash Tadee got sick. She seemed to get better then in October she came down with flu like symptoms and continued to get worse through the end of November. She was prescribed prednisone and then she got even worse and began a new phase with new symptoms and pain. The numerous doctors, blood tests, MRIs, and other lab work have come up with no answers. In the meantime, Tadee’s condition worsens and the pain continues.
Chris sent me this text earlier this week: “Thanks for your prayers… This has just thrown our lives into a tailspin… God is on the throne and this will pass… I am confident of that!”
Tadee’s sister posted this today (a few hours ago)…
My parents are heading to the ER again with Tadee! They just left and are hoping for a different pediatrician’s opinion. Since she has been nauseated, vomiting, and having horrible head aches, they have to monitor her to make sure there aren’t any complications because of the spinal tap. She hasn’t eaten in 2 days and is barely drinking. Please pray for happy, joyfilled doctors for them and that they can display God’s splendor as my mother would like to say:) Thank you for your prayers!!!!
Please get the word out about Tadee!Please invite others to pray!Use facebook, twitter, google+and email to share her story!(links below)PRAY!
Here is a suggested way to bless the Schmaltz family in a non-traditional way at this time:
Bless the family with MEALS. Shopping is sometimes day to day, traditional meals being brought is more difficult to coordinate. EVERYONE can participate near or far…all you need to do is purchase a gift card and either drop it by or mail it to them.
Gift Card Ideas are:
- Panera
- Which Which
- CVS (for many soothing bath supplies for Tadee)
- Pat N Oscars
- Sprouts
- Trader Joes
- Grocery Stores
- Visa/AMEX Gift Cards
- Any other yummy food places you can think of!
It is such a blessing for Chris & Marla to know that Landee & Cladee can have their meals provided for while Tadee & parents are running around town to all sorts of doctors appointments and diagnostic testing. The Schmaltz’s would never ask for this themselves, but after many conversations…I know that this would BLESS them in a tangible way in addition to all our PRAYERS.
Please send Gift Cards to:
Schmaltz Family c/o Missionary Church Western District
484 E Los Angeles Avenue #228
Moorpark, Ca 93120
*If you want to send it anonymously, just put their address in the RETURN address location and either way it will get to them!!!
Today’s Missional Challenge
Pray for Tadee! Share this post with everyone you know to encourage to pray for Tadee.