[featured_image]Dr. Steve Ogne suggests how to evaluate your church’s effectiveness by taking a look at your Mission Teams and Ministry Teams.
Watch the video on Mobilizing Mission and Ministry Teams:
Step One: Divide a piece of paper into 2 Columns: Mission Teams & Ministry Teams.
Step Two: List all the ministries that your church has which focus on believers and their families under Ministry Teams (worship, children’s ministry, small groups, ushers, greeters, etc).
Step Three: List all the ministries that are intentionally focused on lost people and take place outside the church facility under Mission Teams.
“What I’ve noticed…is most churches are 10:1 in favor of the believer with only a few things truly focused externally. I just don’t think that’s consistent with the Great Commission which starts with GO!”
How to Increase Mission Teams
1. Repent.
2. Assess
- What are the needs in our community?
- What are skills, resources, and passions in our church body?
3. Experiment.
4. Leadership.
- Look for those who aren’t already serving within the body.
5. Partnership.
- Join others in community who share the same concern.
6. Evaluate.
- Choose activities that make a difference.
- Choose activities that make a relationship.
- Choose activities that make disciples.
Goal: As many externally focused Mission Teams as internally focused Ministry Teams!
“Effective Mission Teams focused on lost people outside the building…and doing that in partnership often with secular entities is a great way to mobilize Christians to make a difference in their community, make relationships with lost people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ!” – Dr. Steve Ogne
Today’s Missional Challenge
Prayerfully start to increase the number of teams your church is mobilizing to serve outside of your campus.